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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Amazon, Coconut & Any Book

The marvelous & erudite Kevin Killian reviewed Key Bridge on Amazon! which I think is way cool!

Kevin's been writing Amazon reviews for nearly every kind of product that Amazon sells -- which is pretty much everything these days. Baby food, khaki shorts, books, etc. have been reviewed by Mr. Killian. It's really lovely to see someone use this public and so timely forum for beautiful ends. I'm not praising his review of KB here so much as I'm just so thrilled by the project when I say that is one of the most influential (literally) poetry works I've heard of in quite a few years. And the nascent Hooke Press of San Francisco recently published a volume of selected Amazon reviews by Kevin which unfortunately is already (after three months?) out of print -- hopefully, to return soon. At any rate, I was thrilled to see the review and to be a part of the project.

Okay, and I've got some new stuff (okay, just one piece) in the new-ish Coconut. It's part two of 24 Hour Breakfast. Part one's over here in Fascicle 3.

The rest of the Coconut, as usual, is really hot. I'll recommend starting with this one, this one, and this one. Lots of bodies in this issue -- good to see 'em.

And finally, for those holding their breath -- I salute you! I'm really really going to start publishing reviews over at Any Book. Win like a lobster, win like a lobster! Don't know where that came from -- need new mantra maybe. By the end of the week I'll have one up and at least two a week after that until I stop (reviews, not mantras.)


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