Information about the Desert City Poetry Series, contemporary poetry & poetics, and poetry readings & events in central North Carolina.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Nice People

So some folks have been saying nice things about me lately, so from the all about me file again....

Here're some things that Josh Corey had to say about a poem of mine that was pubished in the most recent effing magazine.

Here is Reb Livingston's notes about the Carrboro Poetry Festival at the Happy Booker.

Here are some pics that Reb put on her blog. (Hint: I'm the nobody.)

And lastly, here is a response/review/little bit of wonder created around some of my poems by Jack Anders at the Cafe Cafe blog. Jack is actually an old friend of mine that I haven't been in touch with since like 1998 or so. We met quite randomly in Winston-Salem in the Spring of '97. At that time, he was one of those people who demonstrated to me that poetry transcended schooling, career, the day-to-day mundanity, or rather, he showed me that poetry could and did pervade it all, that making a commitment to poetry was possible and desirable and that whatever else I might do with my life, poetry could always be there. It was just what I needed to see on the eve of heading to an MFA program for three years.

He and I just recently got back in touch with each other, and it's wonderful to see that he's still living and loving poetry.


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